Release | New and updated topics | Description of changes |
Version 5.0.10, March 2012 | Microsoft_Dynamics_CRM_2011_SDK_Readme.htm | Updated the readme for this version of the SDK package. |
| SDK\Bin | Updated the assemblies for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Update Rollup 7. For on-premises customers, updates and hotfixes can be installed automatically from Microsoft Update. You can also search for updates on the Microsoft Download Center. For online customers, update rollups will be deployed automatically to your organization. |
| SDK\SampleCode\CS\Metadata\Attributes\DumpPicklistInfo.cs SDK\SampleCode\VB\Metadata\Attributes\DumpPicklistInfo.vb | Added code to output the mapping between the statecode and statuscode option set values. Also, updated the Entity Option Set Metadata topic for each entity that has statecode and statuscode attributes. These topics now include a table that shows the mapping between these values. For an example of this, see Email (E-mail) Entity OptionSet Attribute Metadata. |
| SDK\SampleCode\CS\WsdlBasedProxies SDK\SampleCode\CS\WsdlBasedProxies\Online\LiveIdAuthenticationPolicy.cs SDK\SampleCode\CS\WsdlBasedProxies\Online\Program.cs SDK\SampleCode\VB\WsdlBasedProxies SDK\SampleCode\VB\WsdlBasedProxies\Online\LiveIdAuthenticationPolicy.vb SDK\SampleCode\VB\WsdlBasedProxies\Online\Program.vb | Added instructions in the setup.txt files to obtain the service URL from the web application. Added a new authentication policy sample. In the Online\Program.cs|vb files, removed the user inputs for AppliesTo, Policy, and IssuerUri and added code to retrieve these values from the Web Services Description Language (WSDL). |
| Active Directory and Claims-Based Authentication Performance Best Practices | Added new performance information about retaining a service proxy instance throughout an application’s session. |
| Client-Side Context Reference | Updated the example for getServerUrl to http://localhost:2525 when Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook is offline. |
| Create Extensions for the Code Generation Tool | Changed the interface name for the /codecustomization parameter to ICustomizeCodeDomService. |
| Default Privileges for a Role | Made significant changes to this topic. |
| Deployment Table Metadata (Advanced Settings) Organization Table Metadata (Advanced Settings) | Added information about the new settings that were added in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Update Rollup 7. |
| Design Considerations for Read-Only Forms | Added a new topic with guidance about two types of read-only forms: the new read-optimized forms included in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Update Rollup 7 and the Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook reading pane. |
| Helper Code: DeviceIdManager Class SampleCode\CS\HelperCode\DeviceIdManager.cs SampleCode\VB\HelperCode\DeviceIdManager.vb | Added significant code changes including additional error handling for the device registration process. |
| IOrganizationService Entities | Added information about the ReplicationBacklog entity. This entity is for internal use only. |
| Performance Best Practices | Added information about allowing the system to generate GUIDs for better performance. |
| Sample: Audit Entity Data Changes SampleCode\CS\DataManagement\Auditing\Program.cs SampleCode\VB\DataManagement\Auditing\Program.vb | Updated the sample code to include a demonstration of the following messages: RetrieveAttributeChangeHistoryRequest and RetrieveAuditDetailsRequest. |
| Sample: Distribute Campaign Activities to Dynamic and Static Lists SampleCode\CS\BusinessDataModel\Marketing\MarketingAutomation.cs SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\Marketing\MarketingAutomation.vb | Updated the sample code to demonstrate how to retrieve the members of a list without specifying the entity type for the list member, such as a lead, contact, or account. |
| Sample: Retrieve Secured Field Access Records | Added a new sample to show how to retrieve PrincipalObjectAttributeAccess (secured field access) records. |
| Sample: Rollup Records Related to a Specified Record SampleCode\CS\BusinessDataModel\ BusinessManagementSampleCode\RollupByObject.cs SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\ BusinessManagementSampleCode\RollupByObject.vb | Added a new sample showing how to retrieve records that are related to a specified record. In this sample, the opportunities are rolled up by their parent account. |
| Security Role UI to Privilege Mapping Privileges Not Associated with an Entity | Made minor corrections to these topics. |
| Sample: Use Deployment Service Messages SampleCode\CS\DeploymentService\UseDeploymentServiceMessages.cs SampleCode\VB\DeploymentService\UseDeploymentServiceMessages.vb | Fixed a problem in the sample code that caused authentication to fail. Added a Visual Basic version of the sample code. |
| Walkthrough: Create a New Workflow in Visual Studio Sample: Create a Workflow in Code SampleCode\CS\Process\Workflows\CreateAWorkflow.cs SampleCode\VB\Process\Workflows\CreateAWorkflow.vb | Updated the walkthrough and added a new sample that demonstrates how to create a workflow in code. |
Version 5.0.9, February 2012 | Authenticate Office 365 Users with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Web Services Helper Code: ServerConnection Class Sample: Authenticate Users with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web Services SampleCode\CS\HelperCode\CrmServiceHelpers.cs SampleCode\VB\HelperCode\CrmServiceHelpers.vb SampleCode\CS\GeneralProgramming\Authentication\ AuthenticateWithNoHelp\AuthenticateWithNoHelp.cs SampleCode\VB\GeneralProgramming\Authentication\ AuthenticateWithNoHelp\AuthenticateWithNoHelp.vb | Fixed error in authentication code for Microsoft Office 365. |
Version 5.0.9, January 2012 | Microsoft_Dynamics_CRM_2011_SDK_Readme.htm | Updated the readme for this version of the SDK package. |
| SDK\Bin | Updated the assemblies for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Update Rollup 6 and the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online January 2012 Service Update. For on-premises customers, updates and hotfixes can be installed automatically from Microsoft Update. You can also search for updates on the Microsoft Download Center. For online customers, update rollups will be deployed automatically to your organization. |
| SampleCode\CS\HelperCode\CrmErrors.xlsx SampleCode\CS\HelperCode\CrmErrors.xml SampleCode\CS\HelperCode\ErrorCodes.cs | Updated error code files for this release. |
| Tools\PluginRegistration | Added federation and online federation provider types for Microsoft Office 365 support. In addition, fixed an issue that had occurred when configuring ACS. |
| SampleCode\CS\* SampleCode\VB\* | Updated all samples to use the GetOrganizationProxy helper method instead of instantiating OrganizationServiceProxy. This was done to add support for federated and managed Microsoft Office 365 organizations. For more information, see Active Directory and Claims-Based Authentication. |
| Client-Side Context Reference | Updated this topic and related topics to state that the Xrm.Page.context.getAuthenticationHeader function is deprecated and should not be used. Scripts upgraded from Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 may continue to use the global getAuthenticationHeader function and should not be modified to use Xrm.Page.context.getAuthenticationHeader. New scripts using the REST endpoint for web resources or the SOAP endpoint for web resources do not require this function for authentication. |
| Create New Entity Forms | Updated this topic to provide information that the EntityMetadata.CanCreateForms property controls whether new forms can be created for an entity. |
| Create Solutions That Support Multiple Languages | Included information about creating localized dialogs processes. |
| Disaster Recovery in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online | Added a topic about Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online disaster recovery. |
| Sample: Authenticate Users with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web Services SampleCode\CS\GeneralProgramming\Authentication\AuthenticateWithNoHelp SampleCode\VB\GeneralProgramming\Authentication\AuthenticateWithNoHelp | Added new samples that authenticate the user with the web services without using the helper code. |
| Unsupported Customizations | Clarified that adding indexes is not supported for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. |
| Use JavaScript with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online | Added a topic to help developers find information about using JavaScript with various features that support it. |
| Xrm.Page.ui.refreshRibbon | Removed reference in remarks to the refreshRibbon method that causes ribbon display rules to be re-evaluated. Only enable rules can be re-evaluated after the page loads. |
Version 5.0.8, November 2011 | Microsoft_Dynamics_CRM_2011_SDK_Readme.htm | Updated the readme for this version of the SDK package. |
| SDK\Bin\Microsoft.Xml.Client.CodeGeneration.dll SDK\Bin\Microsoft.Xml.Client.dll SDK\Bin\Microsoft.Xml.Portal.dll SDK\Bin\Microsoft.Xml.Portal.Files.dll SDK\Tools\WebsiteCopy\WebsiteCopy.exe | Updated binaries for the Portal developer toolkit and developer extensions. New features include support for authenticating portal users through the Windows Azure Access Control Service. |
| SDK\Resources\StyleGuide | Refreshed the User Interface Style Guide to include UI specification for the Activity Feeds feature and the Windows Phone application. The design of the style guide was also refreshed. |
| Active Directory and Claims-Based Authentication | Added an important security alert and new information about Office 365 authentication. |
| Connect with Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Integration with Office 365 Authenticate Office 365 Users with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Web Services Sychronized Users in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online and Office 365 Sample: Quick Start for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Sample: Authenticate Users with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web Services SampleCode\CS\HelperCode\CrmServiceHelpers.cs SampleCode\VB\HelperCode\CrmServiceHelpers.vb SampleCode\CS\QuickStart\CRUDOperations.cs SampleCode\VB\QuickStart\CRUDOperations.vb | Added topics for Microsoft Office 365 integration, access, and provisioning. Updated the helper code to support authentication of Microsoft Office 365 managed and federated users with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. Updated the QuickStart samples to use a new helper code method call with Microsoft Office 365 support to authenticate the user. All samples will be updated to use this new method in a future release. |
| Create Solutions That Support Multiple Languages | Added a new topic to provide guidance about tactics to provide support for multiple languages for all types of solution components. Some information previously included in the Introduction to Solutions topic Support for Multiple Languages section has been moved into this topic. |
| Discover the URL for Your Organization with IDiscoveryService Web Service Download the Endpoints Using the Dynamics CRM Developer Resources Page | Added new discovery service URLs for the Office 365 edition of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. |
| Edit the Site Map | Included the Site Map Editors section to include links to applications available to streamline editing the SiteMap. |
| EntityMetadata.CanModifyAdditionalSettings AttributeMetadata.CanModifyAdditionalSettings | Provided more detail about the specific settings that the CanModifyAdditionalSettings property controls for EntityMetadata and AttributeMetadata. |
| Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.CrossRealmIssuerEndpointDictionary Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.LiveIdDeviceSecurityTokenHandler Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.LiveIdRequestSecurityTokenSerializer Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.ServiceChannel`1.Channel Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.ServiceChannel`1.CommunicationObject Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.ServiceChannel`1.Factory Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.ServiceProxy`1.ChannelFactory Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.ServiceProxy`1.ClientCredentials Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.ServiceProxy`1.DeviceCredentials Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.ServiceProxy`1.HomeRealmSecurityTokenResponse Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.ServiceProxy`1.HomeRealmUri Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.ServiceProxy`1.IsAuthenticated Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.ServiceProxy`1.SecurityTokenResponse Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.ServiceProxy`1.ServiceChannel Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.ServiceProxy`1.ServiceConfiguration Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.ServiceProxy`1.Timeout | Deleted classes and class members. CrossRealmIssuerEndpointDictionary has been replaced with CrossRealmIssuerEndpointCollection |
| Open Forms, Views, and Dialogs with a URL | Added the Display a View in the Application Navigation using Site Map section to provide information about how to configure the SiteMap to show a specific view for an entity. |
| Organize Your Team to Develop Solutions | Added the Deploying Solutions from Development through Test and Production Environments section to introduce the new white paper on this topic. |
| Sample: Audit User Access SampleCode\CS\DataManagement\Auditing\UserAccessAuditing.cs SampleCode\VB\DataManagement\Auditing\UserAccessAuditing.vb | Added new sample code to show how to audit user access. |
| Sample: Bulk Delete Exported Records SampleCode\CS\DataManagement\BulkDelete\BulkDeleteBackup.cs SampleCode\VB\DataManagement\BulkDelete\BulkDeleteBackup.vb | Added new sample code to show how to bulk delete records that were manually exported from Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
| Sample: Bulk Delete Records That Match Common Criteria SampleCode\CS\DataManagement\BulkDelete\BulkDeleteOperations.cs SampleCode\VB\DataManagement\BulkDelete\BulkDeleteOperations.vb | Added new sample code to show how to bulk delete records that match common criteria. |
| Sample: Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete Using the REST Endpoint with JavaScript and jQuery SampleCode\JS\RESTEndpoint\JQueryRESTDataOperations\*.* | Refactored this sample to use a generic library for data operations. Added the HTML web resources as the configuration page for the managed solution so it is easier to run the sample directly from the managed solution. This sample is now equivalent to the Sample: Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete Using the REST Endpoint with JavaScript except that it uses jQuery. |
| Sample: Serialize and Deserialize an Entity SampleCode\CS\BusinessDataModel\BusinessManagement\ SerializeAndDeserialize.cs SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\BusinessManagement\ SerializeAndDeserialize.vb | Added a new sample to demonstrate entity serialization. |
| Understand How Managed Solutions Are Merged | Removed an incorrect paragraph from the Merge Form Customizations section, which said that new forms created using the Save As button retained a connection to the original form so that changes applied by a managed solution to the original form would be propagated to the copies of the form. |
| Use the Sample and Helper Code | All sample code Microsoft Visual Studio projects are updated to reference the new System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement namespace. The additional reference is required only for projects that include the CrmServiceHelpers.cs|vb helper code. This namespace provides types and properties used for authentication with the Federated Identity organization using current UserPrincipalName in the single sign-on scenario instead of using user name and password. |
Version 5.0.7, October 2011 | Microsoft_Dynamics_CRM_2011_SDK_Readme.htm | Updated the readme with information for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Update Rollup 5 and the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online November 2011 Service Update. For on-premises customers, updates and hotfixes can be installed automatically from Microsoft Update. You can also search for updates on the Microsoft Download Center. For online customers, update rollups will be deployed automatically to your organization. |
| SDK\Bin | Updated the assemblies for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Update Rollup 5 and the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online November 2011 Service Update. For on-premises customers, updates and hotfixes can be installed automatically from Microsoft Update. You can also search for updates on the Microsoft Download Center. For online customers, update rollups will be deployed automatically to your organization. |
| SampleCode\CS\HelperCode\CrmServiceHelpers.cs SampleCode\VB\HelperCode\CrmServiceHelpers.vb | Added initial support for managed user identities in Microsoft Office 365. More information to be provided in the next (5.0.8) SDK release. Applied security related code review fixes. |
| SampleCode\CS\HelperCode\MyOrganizationCrmSdkTypes.cs SampleCode\VB\HelperCode\MyOrganizationCrmSdkTypes.vb SampleCode\CS\HelperCode\OptionSets.cs SampleCode\VB\HelperCode\OptionSets.vb Tools\Message-entity support for plug-ins.xlsx | Updated helper code and supported plug-in messages list for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Update Rollup 5. |
| SampleCode\CS\Metadata\OptionSets\DumpOptionSetInfo.cs SampleCode\VB\Metadata\OptionSets\DumpOptionSetInfo.vb | Corrected the sample so that a retrieve of OptionSetMetadata outputs BooleanOptionSetMetadata with the picklist OptionSetType. Added code to demonstrate how to retrieve the Boolean OptionSetType data. |
| SampleCode\[CS & VB]\Silverlight\CrmAssociateDisassociateSilverlight\ SampleCode\[CS & VB]\Silverlight\CrmODataSilverlight\ SampleCode\[CS & VB]\Silverlight\RESTEndpointPagingSilverlight\ SampleCode\[CS & VB]\Silverlight\RESTSilverlightContactEditor\ SampleCode\JS\RESTEndpoint\JQueryRESTDataOperations\ SampleCode\JS\RESTEndpoint\JScriptRESTAssociateDisassociate\ SampleCode\JS\RESTEndpoint\RESTEndpointPaging\ SampleCode\JS\RESTEndpoint\RESTJQueryContactEditor\ SampleCode\JS\SOAPForJScript\SOAPForJScript\ | As part of a review of sample code for security best practices, code used in these samples was updated to demonstrate best practices for security. The following types of changes were applied: · Validation of method parameter values. · Encoding of strings entered through the user interface. · Encoding of strings passed back to the user interface. · Removal of unused code. |
| Tools\PluginRegistration | Updated the Plug-in Registration tool to address the following issues: · The token expiration time is corrected. Previously, the token expired prematurely because the tool used the local time zone, while the token used UTC. · After you locate an assembly in the plug-in registration form, the assembly now loads automatically. |
| Activity Feeds Entities Sample: Collaborate with Activity Feeds SampleCode\CS\BusinessDataModel\ActivityFeeds\WorkingWithActivityFeeds.cs SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\ActivityFeeds\WorkingWithActivityFeeds.vb | Added documentation for a new feature that helps promote internal collaboration and connect with people. This feature is available in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Update Rollup 5 and the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online November 2011 Service Update. The sample code shows how to create posts with comments and mentions, follow Microsoft Dynamics CRM records and retrieve information for the personal wall and record wall. |
| Audit User Access Sample: Audit User Access UserAccessAuditDetail | Added a topic and sample code on how to audit user access. Marked the public class UserAccessAuditDetail for internal use only. This feature is available in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Update Rollup 5 and the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online November 2011 Service Update. |
| Custom Email Providers for Microsoft Dynamics CRM | Added clarification that types of messaging other than email are not supported. |
| Browse the Metadata for Your Organization SDK\Tools\MetadataBrowser\ | Updated the Entity Metadata Browser to version Changes include: · Removed navigation from SiteMap so that it is not included in solutions. · Added the Entity Metadata Browser page as the configuration page for the solution and added an Add To Favorites button so it can more easily be launched outside the Web application. · Fixed an issue where the LookupAttributeMetadata.Targets property value was not displayed. |
| Configure Data Import | Updated the topic with the recommendation to use the Web application for data export and import when updating records in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
| Developer Tools for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Browse the Metadata for Your Organization Create Extensions for the Code Generation Tool | Created a new section to combine the documentation for all Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online developer tools in one location. |
| Developer Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online | The Developer Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online version 1.0 is now released and is included in the SDK download package in the folder SDK\Tools\DeveloperToolkit and documentation for this tool is now included in this help file. |
| Helper Code: Enumerations for Option Sets Global Option Set Values | Added a new topic that demonstrates how to use the enumerations and provides a mapping to each place that the enumerations can be used. Updated the global option set information to provide information about where they are used. |
| Ignore Blank Values and Inactive Records in Duplicate Detection | Added a topic in the duplicate detection documentation that explains how to ignore blank values and inactive records when searching for duplicates. |
| RDL Sandboxing for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online | Added a new topic in reporting that explains how to use RDL sandboxing in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. |
| Sales Literature Entities | Corrected the display name in all sales literature topics. |
| Sample: Close an Incident SampleCode\CS\BusinessDataModel\Service\CloseAnIncident.cs SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\Service\CloseAnIncident.vb | Added sample code that shows how to process and close an incident (case) with a case resolution. |
| Sample: Convert Queries Between Fetch and Query Expression SampleCode\CS\GeneralProgramming\Queries\ FetchXmlAndQueryExpressionQueryConversion.cs SampleCode\VB\GeneralProgramming\Queries\ FetchXmlAndQueryExpressionQueryConversion.vb | Added sample code that shows how to convert queries between FetchXML and Query Expression. |
| Sample: Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete Using the REST Endpoint with JavaScript SampleCode\JS\RESTEndpoint\JavaScriptRESTDataOperations\*.* | Refactored this sample to use a generic library for data operations. Added the HTML web resources as the configuration page for the managed solution so it is easier to run the sample directly from the managed solution. |
| Sample: Distribute Campaign Activities to Qualified Marketing List SampleCode\CS\BusinessDataModel\Marketing\ DistributeCampaignFromMarketingList.cs SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\Marketing\ DistributeCampaignFromMarketingList.vb | Added sample code that shows how to distribute campaign activities to the qualified members of the marketing list. |
| Sample: Enable Duplicate Detection and Retrieve Duplicates SampleCode\CS\DataManagement\DuplicateDetection\ EnableDuplicateDetectionAndRetrieveDuplicates.cs SampleCode\VB\DataManagement\DuplicateDetection\ EnableDuplicateDetectionAndRetrieveDuplicates.vb | Added sample code to show how to enable duplicate detection and retrieve duplicate records. |
| Sample: Export and Import a Data Map SampleCode\CS\DataManagement\DataImport\ UsingExportAndImportMappings.cs SampleCode\VB\DataManagement\DataImport\ UsingExportAndImportMappings.vb | Added sample code to show how to create an import map (data map) in Microsoft Dynamics CRM, export it as an XML formatted data , import modified mappings and create a new import map based on the imported mappings. |
| Sample: Export Ribbon Definitions SampleCode\CS\Client\Ribbon\ExportRibbonXml\ExportRibbonXml.cs SampleCode\VB\Client\Ribbon\ExportRibbonXml\ExportRibbonXml.vb | Added sample code that shows how to export Ribbon definitions using the RetrieveApplicationRibbonRequest and RetrieveEntityRibbonRequest messages. |
| Sample: Fulfill a Sales Order SampleCode\CS\BusinessDataModel\BusinessManagementSampleCode\ FulfillSalesOrder.cs SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\BusinessManagementSampleCode\ FulfillSalesOrder.vb | Added sample code to show how to create a sales order and then close the order by fulfilling it. |
| Sample: Import Data Using Complex Data Map SampleCode\CS\DataManagement\DataImport\ImportWithCreate.cs SampleCode\VB\DataManagement\DataImport\ImportWithCreate.vb SampleCode\CS\datamanagement\DataImport\BulkImportHelper.cs SampleCode\VB\datamanagement\DataImport\BulkImportHelper.vb | Added sample code that shows how to create new records in Microsoft Dynamics CRM by using data import with a complex data map. |
| Sample: Merge Two Records SampleCode\CS\BusinessDataModel\BusinessManagementSampleCode\ Merge.cs SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\BusinessManagementSampleCode\ Merge.vb | Added sample code that shows how to merge two entity records. |
| Sample: Qualify a Lead SampleCode\CS\BusinessDataModel\BusinessManagementSampleCode\ WorkingWithLeads.cs SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\BusinessManagementSampleCode\ WorkingWithLeads.vb | Added sample code that shows how to qualify a lead and create an account, contact, or opportunity based on this lead. |
| Sample: Retrieve Time Zone Information SampleCode\CS\BusinessDataModel\BusinessManagementSampleCode\ WorkingWithTimeZones.cs SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\BusinessManagementSampleCode\ WorkingWithTimeZones.vb | Added sample code to show how to retrieve time zone information. |
| Sample: Share Records Using GrantAccess, ModifyAccess and RevokeAccess Messages SampleCode\CS\GeneralProgramming\EarlyBound\UserAccess.cs SampleCode\VB\GeneralProgramming\EarlyBound\UserAccess.vb | Added sample code to show how to share records using GrantAccessRequest, ModifyAccessRequest, and RevokeAccessRequest messages. |
| Sample: Process Quotes, Sales Orders and Invoices SampleCode\CS\BusinessDataModel\BusinessManagement\ ProcessingQuotesAndSalesOrders.cs SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\BusinessManagement\ ProcessingQuotesAndSalesOrders.vb | Added the code showing how to create an opportunity, win it, and convert it to a quote. |
| Sample: Validate Record State and Set State of the Record SampleCode\CS\BusinessDataModel\BusinessManagementSampleCode\ ValidateAndSetState.cs SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\BusinessManagementSampleCode\ ValidateAndSetState.vb | Added sample code that shows how to validate a change of state of an entity and set a state of an entity. |
| SDK Extensions for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online | Created a new topic to contain the documentation for all extensions to the core SDK. |
| Security Role UI to Privilege Mapping Privileges Not Associated with an Entity Privileges by Entity | Added a new topic showing the mapping of the information in the security role editor to the underlying privilege name. Added “entity privileges” topics for a number of internal entities that were hidden from the user interface in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0, but are now exposed in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. |
| Supported Extensions for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online | Added the following to the list of Unsupported Customizations: Customizing the application Help content for on-premises Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 is not supported in this release. |
| Supported Messages and Entities for Plug-Ins | Added a statement that sending message requests to create or update metadata from plug-in code is not supported. |
| SystemUser (User) Entity Messages and Methods Helper Code: SystemUserProvider Class | Added a note indicating that you can programmatically create a system user record for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online as long as the Windows Live ID already exists. However, there is no programmatic way to send an invitation to the new user. |
| Tutorials for Learning About Development for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online | Removed the hands-on labs from the SDK download package. To download the training course, go to Dynamics CRM 2011 Developer Training Course. |
| Understand Dialogs | Added information on new features: date and time data type, dynamic links, and lookups. |
| Attribute Methods | Added Set Lookup Attribute Value to provide a sample helper function to set simple lookup attribute values using the setValue method. |
Version 5.0.6, August 2011 | Microsoft_Dynamics_CRM_2011_SDK_Readme.htm | Updated the readme with new information. |
| Tools\PluginRegistration | Added support for Windows Azure Access Control Service (ACS) September 2011 Release. |
| SampleCode\CS\CrmSvcUtilExtensions\GeneratePicklistEnums\ CodeCustomizationService.cs SampleCode\VB\HelperCode\OptionSets.vb SampleCode\VB\QuickStart\CRUDOperations.vb | Fixed a bug in the code generation that caused the Microsoft Visual Basic .NET output file not to compile. Added a Microsoft Visual Basic .NET helper file containing enumerations for option sets, status, and state codes. Modified the Microsoft Visual Basic .NET version of the Quick Start sample to demonstrate the use of these enumerations. |
| Analyze Plug-in Performance | Added documentation for the Plug-in Profiler tool. |
| Azure Extensions for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Configure Windows Azure Integration with Microsoft Dynamics CRM | Minor updates to most sub-topics under this topic. Updated the Windows Azure SDK links and added information on how to use Windows AzureAccess Control Service (ACS) September 2011 Release. |
| Dependency Tracking for Solution Components Global Option Set Values Sample: Detect Solution Dependencies Sample: Work with Global Option Sets Sample: Work with Solutions SDK\SampleCode\CS\HelperCode\CrmServiceHelpers.cs SDK\SampleCode\VB\HelperCode\CrmServiceHelpers.vb | Modified all solutions samples to remove references to the SolutionComponentType class that was removed from the CrmServiceHelpers.cs and CrmServiceHelpers.vb helper code classes. All solutions topics and samples now refer to the componenttype enumeration found in the enumeration helper code generated for all global option sets, picklists, state and status values. These enumerations can be used in your code by adding the file SampleCode\CS\HelperCode\OptionSets.cs or SampleCode\VB\HelperCode\OptionSets.vb to your project. The list of topics and samples shown here represents the primary locations for these samples, but usage of the componenttype enumeration can be found throughout the documentation. |
| Maintain Managed Solutions | Updated the information in the Require a Minimum Version section. You must edit the solution.xml file from a managed solution to require a minimum version. Previous content incorrectly said that you must edit the solution.xml file for an unmanaged solution. |
| Modify Icons for an Entity | Added guidance recommending the use of PNG web resources for icons. |
| Sample: Create a Connection (Early Bound) SampleCode\CS\BusinessDataModel\BusinessManagement\ CreateConnection.cs SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\BusinessManagement\ CreateConnection.vb | Updated the sample to include the code that associates a role to itself using the Associate method, as required when the same role is assigned to both records in the connection. |
| Sample: Distribute a Quick Campaign SampleCode\CS\BusinessDataModel\Marketing\QuickCampaign.cs SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\Marketing\QuickCampaign.vb | Fixed the sample so the activities are generated and the activity status changes correctly, by setting the PostWorkflowEvent property in the PropagateByExpressionRequest and CreateActivitiesListRequest message requests. |
| Use the REST Endpoint with Ajax and JScript Web Resources Write Code for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Forms | Added comment to clarify about the supported use of jQuery. |
| Setting a Date as Criteria in a Filter in a Query | Fixed the sample getODataUTCDateFilter function so that it sets the month value correctly. |
| Xrm.Page.ui Control Methods | Added guidance for improving performance using the setVisible method. |
Version 5.0.5, July 2011 | Microsoft_Dynamics_CRM_2011_SDK_Readme.htm | Updated the readme with new information. |
| SDK\Bin | Updated the assemblies for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Update Rollup 3. For on-premises customers, updates and hotfixes can be installed automatically from Microsoft Update. You can also search for updates on the Microsoft Download Center. For online customers, update rollups will be deployed automatically to your organization. |
| SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\BusinessManagement\ WorkingWithNegativePrices.vb SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\Goals\OverrideGoalTotalCount.vb SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\Goals\ RollupAllGoalsForCustomPeriodAgainstTargetRevenue.vb SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\Goals\ RollupAllGoalsForFiscalPeriodAndStretchedTargetRevenue.vb SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\Goals\UsingQueriesToTrackGoals.vb SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\Marketing\MarketingAutomation.vb SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\ScheduleAndAppointment\ QueryScheduleOfMultipleUsers.vb SampleCode\VB\Client\WebResources\ImportWebResources SampleCode\VB\GeneralProgramming\Authentication\ ImpersonateWithOnBehalfOfPrivilege.vb SampleCode\VB\GeneralProgramming\EarlyBound\BasicContextExample.vb SampleCode\VB\GeneralProgramming\EarlyBound\SharingRecords.vb SampleCode\VB\Metadata\Diagram SampleCode\VB\Plug-ins SampleCode\VB\Silverlight\CrmAssociateDisassociateSilverlight SampleCode\VB\Silverlight\RESTSilverlightContactEditor SampleCode\VB\Silverlight\CrmODataSilverlight SampleCode\VB\VisualizationsAndDashBoards\AssignDashboardToUser.vb SampleCode\VB\VisualizationsAndDashBoards\AssignVisualizationToUser.vb SampleCode\VB\Workflows\CreateprocessFromTemplate.vb SampleCode\VB\Workflows\ExecuteWorkflow.vb SampleCode\VB\WsdlBasedProxies\AD SampleCode\VB\WsdlBasedProxies\Online SampleCode\VB\WsdlBasedProxies\ADClaims SampleCode\VB\WsdlBasedProxies\IFD | Added samples for Microsoft Visual Basic .NET. |
| Analyze Plug-in Performance Bin\PluginProfiler.exe SampleCode\CS\Tools\PluginRegistration | Added a new tool for profiling plug-ins. Details to be provided in the next SDK update. Also, look for information in the The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Team Blog. Added support for the new profiler to the Plug-in Registration Tool. |
| Configure Data Import | Added a note that the only valid source file type for the Update mode is an XML Spreadsheet 2003 (.xml) file. |
| DeleteAuditDataRequest RetrieveAuditPartitionListRequest RetrieveRecordChangeHistoryRequest RetrieveOrganizationRequest RetrieveOrganizationsRequest | Added sample code. |
| Developer Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Tools\DeveloperToolkit | Added information about the Beta release of the Developer Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. The Tools\DeveloperToolkit folder contains an installer for the Developer Toolkit and a Developer Toolkit User’s Guide.docx for documentation. This documentation will be included in this Help file when the Developer Toolkit is released. |
| Deployment Table Metadata (Advanced Settings) | Added information about the AsyncSelectMaxItems setting added in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Update Rollup 3. |
| <MenuSection> (RibbonDiffXml) | Revised this reference topic to show that the use of certain DisplayMode attribute values will cause an error. |
| New Types in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK | Added the Entity class to the table showing the mapping of new classes for this version. |
| Run a Simple Program Using Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web Services | Added to list of prerequisites for running the quick start program. Also added the new option set enumerations to the Microsoft Visual C# version of the Quick Start sample. |
| Register and Deploy Plug-Ins | Added guidelines for deploying a plug-in to a staging or production server. |
| Ribbons for Custom Pages <PageRule> (RibbonDiffXml) | Added content to explain that rules to enable or disable ribbon components cannot be applied based on custom pages. |
| Sample: Associate and Disassociate Records Using the REST Endpoint with JavaScript SDK\SampleCode\JS\RESTEndpoint\JScriptRESTAssociateDisassociate Sample: Associate and Disassociate Records Using the REST Endpoint with Silverlight SDK\SampleCode\CS\Silverlight\CrmAssociateDisassociateSilverlight | Added two new samples that show how to associate and disassociate records using the REST endpoint. |
| Sample: Distribute Campaign Activities to Dynamic and Static Lists SampleCode\CS\BusinessDataModel\Marketing\MarketingAutomation.cs SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\Marketing\MarketingAutomation.vb | Added a new sample that demonstrates how to distribute campaign activities to dynamic and static lists. |
| Sample: Add a Record to a Queue (Early Bound) SampleCode\CS\BusinessDataModel\BusinessManagement\AddToQueue.cs SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\BusinessManagement\AddToQueue.vb | Updated sample code to show how to include additional information by using the QueueItemProperties property. |
| Sample Extension to Generate Enumerations for Option Sets SampleCode\CS\CrmSvcUtilExtensions\GeneratePicklistEnums SampleCode\CS\HelperCode\OptionSets.cs SampleCode\CS\QuickStart\CRUDOperations.cs | Added a sample extension for the CrmSvcUtil.exe program that generates a file containing enumerations for all option sets, state codes, and status codes. Include the sample OptionSets.cs file in your application’s project. For more information, see the CRUDOperations.cs file. |
| Sample: Work with Activity Party Records SampleCode\CS\BusinessDataModel\Activities\WorkingWithActivityParties.cs SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\Activities\WorkingWithActivityParties.vb | Added a new sample that demonstrates how to work with activity party records. |
| <SubArea> (SiteMap) | Changed the CheckExtensionProperty attribute description to reflect that the attribute is for internal use only. |
| Use the REST Endpoint with Silverlight Web Resources Perform Basic Data Operations in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Using the REST Endpoint Sample: Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete Using the REST Endpoint with Silverlight SDK\SampleCode\CS\Silverlight/CrmODataSilverlight Sample: REST Endpoint Silverlight Contact Editor SDK\SampleCode\CS\Silverlight\RESTSilverlightContactEditor | Applied changes to demonstrate how to prevent updates to unchanged property values using the proxy classes generated in a Silverlight application project. |
| Xrm.Page.ui.formSelector Xrm.Page.ui.formSelector.items Collection | Added a note to clarify that the Xrm.Page.ui.formSelector.items collection is empty when only one form is available. The Xrm.Page.ui.formSelector.getCurrentItem method returns null when only one item is available. |
Version 5.0.4, June 2011 | Microsoft_Dynamics_CRM_2011_SDK_Readme.htm | Updated the readme with new information. |
| SDK\Bin | Updated the assemblies for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Update Rollup 2. For on-premises customers, updates and hotfixes can be installed automatically from Microsoft Update. You can also search for updates on the Microsoft Download Center. For online customers, update rollups will be deployed automatically to your organization. |
| SDK\Resources\ExportedRibbonXml | Moved the location of the exported ribbon definitions from SDK\SampleCode\CS\Client\Ribbon\ExportRibbonXml\ExportedRibbonXml to SDK\Resources\ExportedRibbonXml. Updated the following topics to reflect this change: · Ribbons Available in Microsoft Dynamics CRM · Export Ribbon Definitions · Walkthrough: Add a Custom Button to an Existing Group for a Specific Entity · Walkthrough: Add a Custom Group to an Existing Tab for a Specific Entity · Walkthrough: Add a Custom Button to an Existing Group for all Entities · Walkthrough: Hide Ribbon Elements |
| SDK\Resources\Images | Added new images to this folder, which are available for use in customized applications. |
| SDK\Walkthroughs\Portal | Updated all three portal developer guide walkthrough solutions. For a complete list of changes, see the SDK readme file: Microsoft_Dynamics_CRM_2011_SDK_Readme.htm. |
| HelperCode\SystemUserProvider.cs \VisualizationsAndDashboards\AssignDashboardToUser.cs \VisualizationsAndDashboards\AssignVisualizationToUser.cs \GeneralProgramming\EarlyBound\BasicContextExamples.cs \GeneralProgramming\Authentication\ImpersonateWithOnBehalfOfPrivilege.cs \BusinessDataModel\Marketing\MarketingAutomation.cs \BusinessDataModel\Goals\OverrideGoalTotalCount.cs \BusinessDataModel\ScheduleAndAppointment\QueryScheduleOfMultipleUsers.cs \FieldSecurity\RetrieveSecuredFieldsForAUser.cs \BusinessDataModel\Goals\ RollupAllGoalsForCustomPeriodAgainstTargetRevenue.cs \BusinessDataModel\Goals\ RollupAllGoalsForFiscalPeriodAndStretchedTargetRevenue.cs \GeneralProgramming\EarlyBound\SharingRecords.cs \BusinessDataModel\Goals\UsingQueriesToTrackGoals.cs \BusinessDataModel\BusinessManagement\WorkingWithNegativePrices.cs | Changed the code in SystemUserProvider so that it does not attempt to create a user if the client application is connected to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. The changes to the SystemUserProvider class required changes to all the C# and VB samples that use that class. Only the changed C# samples are shown here for brevity. All changes are in the folders SDK\SampleCode\CS or SDK\SampleCode\VB. |
| SDK\SampleCode\JS\SOAPForJScript\SOAPForJScript\Scripts\SDK.MetaData.js | Updated the SDK.MetaData.jsJScript library to address three issues: · The DefaultFormValue property of option set attributes returned a Boolean rather than the integer value. · The State property for StatusOptionMetadata was not returned. The StateOptionMetadata · DefaultStatus and InvariantName properties were not returned. |
| SDK\SampleCode\VB\* | Added Microsoft Visual Basic .NET versions of the existing C# samples. |
| SDK\Tools\MetadataBrowser\ | Updated the Metadata Browser to reflect changes to the SDK.MetaData.jsJScript library. |
| Active Directory and Claims-Based Authentication | Added information about the lifespan of a security token and how to refresh the token in applications that take a long time to run. |
| Create Custom Get Started Pane Content | Included a note that customizing the application Help content for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 (on-premises) is not supported. |
| Create Early Bound Entity Classes with the Code Generation Tool (CrmSvcUtil.exe) SDK\SampleCode\CS\CrmSvcUtilExtensions | Added a sample extension for the CrmSvcUtil program that generates early-bound types for custom entities. |
| CrmSvcUtil.exe Extension Usage and Command-Line Parameters | Removed documentation for an invalid command-line parameter for the servicecontextprefix extension. |
| Customize Entity Forms in Microsoft Dynamics CRM | Added Customize Entity Forms in Microsoft Dynamics CRM section to describe how form customizations apply to the reading pane. |
| Privileges by Entity Privileges by Message | Added detailed reference information for each entity and message, describing the privileges required. A small percentage of these topics are still marked as coming soon. |
| Run a Simple Program Using Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web Services Helper Code: ServerConnection Class SDK\SampleCode\CS\HelperCode\CrmServiceHelpers.cs SDK\SampleCode\VB\HelperCode\CrmServiceHelpers.vb | Added support for saving and re-using server configurations, making it easier to run the sample code repeatedly with minimal prompts. |
| Sample: Invoke Duplicate Detection for Creating and Updating Records SDK\SampleCode\CS\DataManagement\DuplicateDetection\ InvokeDuplicateDetectionForCreateAndUpdate.cs SDK\SampleCode\VB\DataManagement\DuplicateDetection\ InvokeDuplicateDetectionForCreateAndUpdate.vb | Added a new sample demonstrating how to invoke duplicate detection in create and update operations. |
| Sample: Create an Email Using a Template SDK\SampleCode\CS\BusinessDataModel\Templates\ CreateEmailUsingTemplate.cs SDK\SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\Templates\ CreateEmailUsingTemplate.vb | Added a new sample demonstrating the use of the InstantiateTemplateRequest message. |
| Sample: Send an Email SDK\SampleCode\CS\BusinessDataModel\Activities\SendEmail.cs SDK\SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\Activities\SendEmail.vb | Added a new sample demonstrating the use of the SendEmailRequest message. |
| Sample: Use LINQ with Late Binding SDK\SampleCode\CS\Queries\UseLinqWithLateBinding.cs SDK\SampleCode\VB\Queries\UseLinqWithLateBinding.vb | Added a new sample that shows how to use LINQ with late bound entities. |
| Troubleshooting Tips | Added a tip about a common exception when using the CrmSvcUtil.exe program. |
| Use Messages (Request and Response Classes) with the Execute Method Pass Optional Parameters in Messages Run Duplicate Detection | Indicated that passing the CalculateMatchCodeSynchronously optional parameter is not required any longer. The change was implemented in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Update Rollup 1 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online April Service Update. |
| Use the REST Endpoint with Ajax and JScript Web Resources | Corrected information in the Working with Dates section and provided new information about additional tasks related to working with dates. |
| Write a Custom Azure-Aware Plug-In SDK\SampleCode\CS\Azure\Plug-ins | Clarified that a service endpoint ID must be passed to the plug-in at run time through the unsecured configuration parameter of the constructor. |
Version 5.0.3, April 2011 | Microsoft_Dynamics_CRM_2011_SDK_Readme.htm | Updated the readme with new information. |
| SDK\Bin | Updated assemblies for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Update Rollup 1. For on-premises customers, updates and hotfixes can be installed automatically from Microsoft Update. You can also search for updates on the Microsoft Download Center. For online customers, update rollups will be deployed automatically to your organization. Updated Microsoft.Xrm.Client and Microsoft.Xrm.Portal assemblies for software updates. |
| SDK\HandsOnLabs | Hands-on labs have been updated to work with the RTM build. In addition, the workflow lab has been split into two labs, one for using the Web application workflow designer, and one for creating a custom workflow using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. |
| SDK\SampleCode\CS\Client\Ribbon\ExportRibbonXml | Fixed an issue where code tried to generate ribbons for custom intersect entities. |
| SDK\Templates\Xrm.PageScriptProjectTemplate | Included Microsoft Visual Studio extensions and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Solution files to support JScript IntelliSense and limited testing of JScript Libraries that use the Xrm.Page object within Microsoft Dynamics CRM forms. This is called the Xrm.Page Script Library Template. The Readme.docx file in this location describes how to install and use this solution. |
| SDK\Tools\PluginRegistration | Updated sample code with bug fixes. |
| SDK\Tools\WebResourceUtility | Updated the tool to fix an issue where results view did not allow scrolling to view all results. |
| Auditing Feature Overview | Added a statement about auditing the IsSecured attribute. |
| Best Practices for Developing with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 | Added information about limiting the metadata retrieved to improve performance: Limit Data Retrieved. Added a new performance section on caching: Caching. |
| Configure Windows Azure Integration with Microsoft Dynamics CRM | Added information on configuring server security to allow the asynchronous service process to access the Web. |
| Create, Export, or Import an Unmanaged Solution | Added a Troubleshooting section with a link to Blog Post: Troubleshooting Solution Import for your Upgraded Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Organization. |
| Customization XML Reference · Ribbon XML Reference · Site Map XML Reference · Form XML Reference · Saved Query XML Reference | Completed Customization XML reference topics. |
| How Role-Based Security Can Be Used to Control Access to Entities in Microsoft Dynamics CRM User and Team Entities Privilege and Role Entities | Added information clarifying that a user must be assigned to at least one security role. |
| JScript Libraries for Microsoft Dynamics CRM | Included information to direct developers to the Xrm.Page Script Library Template. |
| Key to Entity Diagrams SDK\SampleCode\CS\Metadata\Diagram | Added sample code for generating logical entity relationship diagrams. This updated topic also includes a link to download the generated diagrams for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. |
| Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Deployment Sample Code for Deployment Web Service | Added documentation for the Deployment namespace. Added Windows PowerShell sample scripts. |
| Plug-in Isolation, Trusts, and Statistics | Added new information on how to change Web access for sandboxed plug-ins. |
| Register Your Solution with the Dynamics Marketplace | Updated information and included the correct URLs. |
| Sample: Retrieve Multiple Records Using the REST Endpoint with JavaScript SDK\SampleCode\CS\Silverlight\RESTEndpointPagingSilverlight Sample: Retrieve Multiple Records Using the REST Endpoint with Silverlight SDK\SampleCode\JS\RESTEndpoint\RESTEndpointPaging | Added two new samples showing how to overcome the limitation on the number of records retrieved using the REST endpoint for Web resources. |
| Set Field Values Using Parameters Passed to a Form | Included information about what types of Lookup fields can be set using parameters passed to a form. |
| Supported Extensions for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online | Clarified support for development on Windows XP. |
| User and Team Entities | Corrected information in this topic: user records cannot be deleted, but they can be disabled. |
| Web Access for Isolated (sandboxed) Plug-ins | Added information on configuring server security to allow the sandbox process to access the Web. |
| Which Entities Are Customizable? | Added a link to the CanModifyAdditionalSettings property. |
| Workflow and Process Entities | Added information about a change to workflow attributes with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Update Rollup 1. |
| Write Code for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Forms | Included Development Tools section to introduce the Xrm.Page Script Library Template. |
Version 5.0.2, March 2011 | Microsoft_Dynamics_CRM_2011_SDK_Readme.htm | Updated the readme with new information. |
| SDK\Bin\*.* SDK\Solutions\PortalBase SDK\Tools\WebSiteCopy SDK\Walkthroughs\Portal | Added new assemblies, tools and samples for Developer Extensions and the Portal Developers Guide. |
| SDK\Tools\MetadataBrowser | Added a managed Metadata Browser solution file and associated Readme file. This Entity Metadata Browser can be used to view all the entities available in the system and examine their properties. |
| SDK\Tools\PluginRegistration | Updated sample code with bug fixes. |
| Customize Entity Metadata | Added a section titled Browse the Metadata for Your Organization to introduce this tool. |
| Developer Extensions for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online | Added a new section about using Developer Extensions for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 to simplify and accelerate the development of applications. |
| Execution of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Plug-Ins | Added a note about using the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Plug-in Registration tool to register plug-ins built using the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 SDK assemblies. |
| Portal Developer Guide for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online | Added a new section about using the portal development toolkit to build a Web portal that interacts with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011. |
| Unsupported Customizations | Clarified unsupported use of SQL commands. |
Version 5.0.1, February 2011 | Microsoft_Dynamics_CRM_2011_SDK_Readme.htm | Updated the readme with new information. |
| SDK\Bin\*.* | Assemblies and binaries have been updated to the current version for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. |
| SDK\HandsOnLabs | Added two new labs demonstrating the Microsoft Dynamics Marketplace and Silverlight. Please note that all labs were developed for Beta 1. They will be updated in the March SDK release. |
| SDK\SampleCode\PS | Added Windows PowerShell samples. |
| SDK\Tools\PluginRegistration | Updated sample code with bug fixes. |
| | All topics have been finalized for translation, so you may notice subtle differences in many topics. |
| Add Report Navigation | Updated to show that in the drill-through reports, a logical name of the entity should be used and not the object type code value (OTC). |
| BusinessUnit Entity | Added information that the business unit entity is now customizable. |
| Create Dependent OptionSets (Picklists) | Added information about how dependent option set (picklist) attributes can be implemented using form scripts. |
| Define Scaling for Ribbon Elements | Changed the diagram to refer to the more commonly used <OverflowSection> (RibbonDiffXml) element rather than the <Section> (RibbonDiffXml) element. |
| Enable or Disable Custom Code Execution | Added a Windows PowerShell procedure for enabling or disabling use of custom code on the server. |
| Enable or Disable XAML Workflows | Added a Windows PowerShell procedure for enabling or disabling custom XAML workflows. |
| Handle Exceptions in Your Code | Added more exception information for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. |
| Helper Code: ServerConnection Class | Added support for authentication for Internet-facing deployments (IFD). |
| Maintain Managed Solutions | Added the Require a Minimum Version section. |
| Messages Deprecated in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 | Added SetRelated and RemoveRelated to the list of messages deprecated in this release. |
| Run a Simple Program Using Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web Services | Added information and a link on how to set up a new Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 project for developing an application that can access Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
| Register and Deploy Plug-Ins | Added information about assembly versioning. |
| Sample: Audit Entity Data Changes | Updated the sample code that obtains attribute old and new values. |
| Sample: Limit the Number of Items Displayed in a Chart | Added a code example showing how to use FetchXML query to limit the number of items shown in the table. |
| Sample: REST Endpoint Silverlight Contact Editor Sample: Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete Using the REST Endpoint with Silverlight | Moved the sample code from the SDK\SampleCode\CS\GeneralProgramming\DataServices folder to the SDK\SampleCode\CS\Silverlight folder. |
| Sample: Work with Views | Added this sample topic and created a solution in the Sdk\SampleCode\CS\Customizations\Views\WorkWithViews folder. |
| Schemas Used in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online | Added new XML schema files for integrating Microsoft Biztalk with Microsoft Dynamics CRM. These files can be found in the SDK\Schemas\CRMBizTalkIntegration folder. |
| Set the Number of Dashboard Controls | Added a Windows PowerShell procedure for setting the maximum number of dashboards. |
| Stylesheet (XSL) Web Resources | Added sample code to the topic. |
| Upgrade Code in the ISV folder to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 | Added this topic and added sample code to the SDK\SampleCode\CS\GeneralProgramming\Authentication\IFDBackCompat folder. |
| Upgrade Plug-ins and Custom Workflow Activities to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 | Added information about post upgrade issues and resolutions. |
| Upgrade Scripts to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 | Renamed the topic and added new information. It was previously named “Upgrade Customizations to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011.” |
| Use the QueryExpression Class | Added information about how to discover the total record count for the query. |
| Use the REST Endpoint for Web Resources | Moved this topic into the new Use Web Service Data in Web Resources (REST and SOAP Endpoint) section. |
| Use the REST Endpoint with Ajax and JScript Web Resources | Added new information regarding Working with Dates. |
| Use the SOAP Endpoint for Web Resources Walkthrough: Use the SOAP Endpoint for Web Resources with Silverlight | Added new topics for the SOAP endpoint for Web resources. |
| Use Parameters in Reports | Added information about new hidden parameters. |
| Use the SOAP Endpoint for Web Resources Walkthrough: Use the SOAP Endpoint for Web Resources with Silverlight Walkthrough: Use the SOAP Endpoint for Web Resources with JScript Sample: Retrieve Entity Metadata Using JScript | Added this conceptual topic, two supporting Walkthrough topics, and a sample. |
| Web Page (HTML) Web Resources | Added information describing when to use the editor for HTML Web resources and how to prevent the resources from being edited in managed solutions. |
| Which Entities Are Customizable? | Added a table listing the values of all customization entity properties: Customizable Entity Properties. |
| Xrm.Page Reference | Added information to indicate that the Xrm.Page.context object is available for JScript libraries used in Ribbon command actions. |
Version 5.0.0, December 2010 | | Initial release. |